Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Easy virtue

It's always so much easier to tell other people how to be virtuous than to do it ourselves. I noticed this this morning when I was chatting with one of my sisters. She was struggling, I suggested something. I could totally understand her situation, it's one that I have faced often. Was my suggestion the virtuous thing that I usually do when faced with the situation? No, it was the virtuous thing that I suddenly realize I *should* have done several days after the situation has passed.

I suppose this is a good reminder to keep working during Lent. I would LOVE for my first reaction to be the most virtuous one -- I guess that's a good working definition of sainthood. But it's not usually my first, or second, or third thought. For instance, when my daughters conspired to spend their time at bedtime A. screaming and B. taking 30-45 minutes for me to put to sleep while I was visiting family recently, did I thank God for the challenge and for the gift of the children? Did I realize how wonderful it was that I got the opportunity to grow in virtue? Did I go through with bedtime inwardly whining and snivelling about how unfair it all was and having a self-pity party? Sigh. It's going to be a long trip to sainthood.