Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Dealing with Irritability: An Immersion Course

Today, my 13-month old screamed whenever her will was crossed. Screamed. It was a very trying day, because 13-month-old wills get crossed often if one wants to keep them and one's things safe. I was terribly relieved when she settled down to dig dirt out of the 1/2 wine barrel with herbs planted in it on our deck. She was happy to get herself completely filthy and enjoy being outside for half an hour. Then I had to bring her inside, take off her outfit, change her diaper, put her in new clothes, and put her down for a nap. It was not a pretty picture.

To be fair, she was much better after her nap, until about half an hour before I put her to bed. But MAN does that screaming wear on my nerves. At one point I told her older sister Hannah to leave her alone (I was in the kitchen and the screaming began again), only to be told that she wasn't anywhere near Naomi -- she was just screaming for kicks. Ugh.

So I was *very* glad to get her to bed tonight, and I hope she's better tomorrow. Because I did okay dealing with the screaming today, and I'll pray for the patience to deal with it tomorrow, if that's what happens, but I'm not anywhere near the level of sanctity where I ask for trials or suffering.

Hey, though, that's okay, because here at the School of Virtue, you don't have to ask. That's God's plan, since he knows that people like me would get almost nowhere if we had to ask for lessons in virture. He provides us with the best teachers in the world and then stands by for the cries for help that are sure to rise to Him once his teachers get to work.

Luckily for them, the teachers are soft, pudgy, and do all kinds of cute things, like learn to sign "I love you," and then sign it to you all the time.