Monday, April 2, 2007


If you need a dose of humility, try reading The Hidden Power of Kindness, by Lawrence G. Lovasik. I have been working on it in small increments for several months now -- small, because I seem to need small doses of humility, or I get discouraged. This book is definitely not for the faint of heart! Perhaps that's why I'm taking it slowly -- courage of heart is a tough virtue to come up with. It's quite unnerving to come face to face, on the pages of a book, with vices and difficulties from your everyday life and be told, in no uncertain terms, that these vices must be rooted out -- NOW!

For all that, Lovasik is a very gentle writer. He's much more of an exhorter than an accuser, which is good, since the bruised reed is very easily broken by harsh words. But he doesn't have patience for excuses for vice, and it seems he's heard them: "You will say that your irritability is caused by your nerves, high or low blood pressure, insomnia, indigestion, or worries and responsibilities. All such excuses are usually a false front. Irritability is a a lack of self-control, an inability to subject your feelings to the demands of charity."

See what I mean? Basically: "Don't you be telling me that you didn't get lunch so you can't be kind to your kids! It's merely lack of self-control on your part."

Difficult, but refreshing, too. It does get old to have the same vices, excuses, and problems day after day. It's nice to have someone tell you that God's grace is going to get you through it, but you've got to do your part, too. It's good to have a reminder that something can be done about it.