Saturday, May 19, 2007

Fierce Japanese What?

Hannah has been listening to some books on tape, one of which talks about Samurai. She has a new interpretation, however, that may not have much historical accuracy, but really brings amusement into the lives of the grownups around her: Samurai, the fierce Japanese spiders! On the tape, of course, they say fierce Japanese fighters, but Hannah heard spiders, so spiders it is.

She and her cousin, older by 15 months, and wise in the ways of spiders, were playing outside today, running from various evil creatures, including t-rex. Hannah thought this was a perfect opportunity to introduce Samurai, so they then spent a good long time running from the fierce Japanese spiders. Cousin Gabe did balk a bit about them carrying torches and using swords, but Hannah stood firm and won her point.

Yet another blessing our children bring us: laughter.