Friday, May 18, 2007


Do you ever get a feeling of holy restlessness? Like God is about to do something in your life, or is asking you to do something and you just aren't sure what it is yet? I have that right now. I started the Novena to the Holy Spirit, so hopefully that will help to clarify things. Or perhaps God is merely hinting that I get off my duff and clean the whole house...this feeling is almost like the nesting feeling of pregnancy.

I certainly need to work on turning over more of my time to the Lord, if only just as an offering at the beginning of an activity. It's important that we make our offering in the morning, but I should not just forget God until the evening after that offering...I suppose I don't entirely forget him, but I am feeling very drawn to giving more of my time over to him. Perhaps that is what it is. It will be interesting to see what the next couple of weeks bring.