Saturday, May 12, 2007

A Sense of Humor

Haha. Did I say "return to health"? Haha. That's a good one!

Okay, Naomi came down with an ear infection this week that meant that she had to have antibiotics. And she hates getting them. And she had several 20-minute screaming episodes that scared the dickens out of her mom. This is all besides the temperature of 104.6 that got the whole thing started. Okay, enough details. It's been a rough week.

But strangely enough, either I'm getting worn down or I'm learning something, because I handled everything much better this week -- especially towards the end of the week, when I'd gotten some practice with the screaming episodes. I even was caught up on the laundry by Thursday afternoon, switched from winter to summer clothes for the girls and I, and made a trip to the store to get a few summer essentials for Hannah, who doesn't have hand-me-downs to grow into.

So thank God for adversity, I suppose, since it's the only way to learn to deal with adversity. And I did better. Not a perfect job, of course -- far from that. But I remembered to pray, and I rested, and I enjoyed the little things.

I took the girls to a new park yesterday and helped Naomi slide down the slide over and over as she giggled aloud. I watched Hannah as she climbed and balanced and jumped and played. I remembered to bring a snack. It was fun.

Naomi is much better, and I'm very grateful for that. And we're not doing the planned activity with several other families this afternoon, since two of those families have colds. I mean, adversity is one thing, and sheer idiocy is another.